Tuesday 25 January 2011

First Steps

My first greatly overdue venture into the unknown world of the hospital corridor could by no means be described accurately as a walk. It was a triumphal procession with me as Victoria the pasty queen. I led my admiring entourage, consisting of my ladies in waiting (mother and sister), who carried my throne (“just in case I faint” chair) and my sceptre (drip stand), and my beloved Albert (the physiotherapist), upon whom I gently rested my arm and listened to wise counsel, out of my palace. As my toes tentatively edged forwards, adoring crowds (the nurses) clapped and whooped and cheered. A smile, a facial expression I thought was all but forgotten, slowly emerged on my face. At first it was merely a twitch, weighed down by a week of unfortunate occurrences. As the crowds clapping crescendoed, my lips quivered, trembled, flickered. How would they ever overcome the avoirdupois of my cheerless cheeks? Yet, my not long ago lifeless and now lively lips prevailed and lifted victorious. A smile, a simple upward curvature of the lips, and a whole face, a whole body is rejuvenated. The contagious nature of the smile rendering those who love us just as susceptible, just as likely to receive that well needed boost. One smile and possibilities, ideas, dreams can once again begin to be formulated, planned and imagined. A step, something taken for granted in most people’s days, and yet, in just some people somewhere that one step is a mountain, an opening of a world, a beginning. 


  1. Great news Sophie! Glad to hear things are getting better!

  2. The way you write is seriously invigorating.
    Can't wait to see you, whenever that may be. xxxxxxxxx SCE

  3. You write so beautifully. Glad to hear you're doing well!

  4. :-)

    Els from Amsterdam

  5. Good lord, you write so well. Excellent, and so glad things are going well! I've been through a similar ordeal myself, with the hospital, re-learning walking, etc. I wish you the best of luck. May God(s) bless you as I've been blessed!

  6. Soph, you are a huge inspiration to so many people especially me. I wish I had your strength. I learn from you every day and can't wait to meet you! That visit to the bar with B is growing ever closer! :-)
    In awe,

  7. Echoing other people's comments here, but you really are a great writer!

    The first step really is the hardest.

